Please be advised that due to an unexpected delay in our federal grant funding , the Broome County Urban League is not taking applications for rent and utility bill help until further notice. We remain committed to our mission and are seeking alternative funding sources to resume this program as soon as we are able. We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Thank you.

Empowering Communities. Changing Lives.

Our goal is to empower the community by changing the lives of those who live in it.

Who We Are

The Broome County Urban League (BCUL) is a non-profit organization based in Binghamton, New York. Founded in 1968 and affiliated with the National Urban League since 1970. The BCUL aims to empower minorities and the urban poor by helping them achieve economic self-reliance, parity, and civil rights.

The BCUL focuses primarily on youth, providing after-school and summer programs, tutoring, mentoring, technology classes, and workforce development initiatives. They also offer comprehensive referral services to connect individuals with other community agencies and private industries.

Additionally, the organization has been active in addressing childcare needs, housing, employment and workforce training.

Message from the CEO

The Broome County Urban League is appreciative to its many funders, financial contributors and members for their financial support. We also acknowledge and salute the wonderful board of directors, staff, volunteers and interns who give their time, talent and resources to help make the BCUL a success.

Our challenge today is to increase our programs and services and broaden outreach to other parts of the community and rural areas in need of our services. With your help and support, we will achieve these goals and more to ensure equality and empowerment that leads to self-sufficiency.

What We Do

We focus primarily on youth, catering to the needs of children ages 5-18 through after-school and summer programs, tutoring/mentoring, technology classes, and workforce development. However, we are not limited to just those services and we cater to men, women, and children of all ages. In addition to our education and workforce programs, we provide family support, food, clothing, housing and utility bill assistance, as well as aid in. many other areas. Also, we offer comprehensive referral services to other community agencies and private industries.

Youth Support Services

Our program seeks to advance the social, physical, and academic well-being of all students enrolled. Students receive homework help from well trained staff as well as participate in fun, educational activities such as sports, civic engagement opportunities, nutrition lessons, etc. Our program is an inclusion program open to students with special needs.

  • Daily (closed when schools are closed) 3pm-6pm

  • Children 5-13, Children with special needs 5-18

“With your help and support, we will continue to Empower Communities and Change Lives.”

— Jennifer Lesko, President/CEO


As of September 1st, 2024, Broome County Urban League is not accepting any applications for rental, mortgage, or utility assistance until further notice.

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