Family Support Services
A comprehensive statewide network of services through the Office of Persons With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) that enhance, support, protect, and advance the lives of persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities and the families with whom they reside. The primary goal of family support services is to encourage individuals with a developmental disability to reach their optimum level of functioning and maintain this level within the context of their home and their families. The family services offered by the Broome County Urban League are: Information/Referral, Respite Reimbursement, and an Inclusive After School and Summer Day Program for children ages 5-21.
“I have no family in the area, without Respite Services through the Urban League I would not get a break to do something for myself.”
- Tanya
“I use Respite Services so my child can socialize one-on-one with another child without Special Needs. It has helped him learn better skills.”
- Tammy