Enrollment for the in- person Afterschool Program is OPEN!

We are very excited to offer our In- Person programming once again!!

Please call 607-723-7303 x.104 or Download the form HERE to fill out mail and mail in with the first months payment, $100.00. Remember, if your child is OPWDD eligible the Program is FREE of charge.

Program runs Monday through Friday from 3pm-6pm. Homework help, snacks, healthy lifestyle activities, and fun games are provided to help your child succeed!

After School Enrichment Program

Our program seeks to advance the social, physical and academic well- being of all students enrolled. Students receive homework help from well trained staff as well as participate in fun, educational activities such as sports, civic engagement opportunities, nutrition lessons, etc. Our program is an inclusion program open to students with special needs.

  • Daily (closed when schools are closed) 3pm- 6pm

  • Children 5-13, Children with special needs 5-18


"I am a single mother who works long hours. I depend on the Urban League Afterschool Program to help my child with his homework and keep him focused.” -Lawanna

“The staff meets by Special Needs child outside of the high school and walks him to program. This is the first time he has participated in an outside activity.” -Mary

The Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)

Our program offers a fun, enriching curriculum throughout the summer. Students participate in arts, crafts, cultural activities, computer lessons, and recreational time. Students attend weekly trips to area attractions such as museums, parks etc. and are provided a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack. Our program is an inclusion open to students with special needs.

-Monday- Friday 8am-5pm

-Children 5-13, children with special needs 5-18